R.O.C.President:stability in Taiwan Strait are indispensable elements of global security

President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) stressed the importance of cross-strait peace and stability to global prosperity at a ceremony marking  “Armed Forces Day and All-Out Defense Education Day” (軍人節暨全民國防教育日表揚大會)  on Friday, August 30. He reiterated Taiwan’s commitment to democracy, sovereignty and peaceful development. President Lai emphasized the important role of the Navy’s…

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Ex-mayor of Taipai Ko Wen-je arrested in graft probe [臺北市前市長柯文哲因貪污案被捕]

摘要 Astract 前臺北市長兼反對黨領袖柯文哲因臺灣首都一個大型房地產開發專案的腐敗調查中被捕。 在調查人員搜查了他的家並審問了他數小時後,高先生被捕。 Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), the former Taipei mayor and Taiwan People’s party leader, has been arrested in a corruption investigation into a major real estate development project in the Taiwanese capital. Mr.Ko was arrested after investigators searched his home and questioned him for hours. Background 背景 京華城購物中心坐落於台北市,於2001年啟用,曾是當時的地標之一。然而,由於經營不善,京華城於2019年宣告停業。隨後,威京集團獲得了該地點的開發權,並開始進行都市規劃及商辦大樓的建設。 Located in Taipei City, Core…

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